The Eyelash Growth Cycle

In the world of beauty, long full eyelashes are getting more and more attention. To keep your eyelashes healthy and full, it is crucial to understand the eyelash growth cycle. In this article, we unravel the growth cycle.

The 3 lash growth phases:

Your eyelash hairs have a unique cycle, which consists of 3 phases. Each individual eyelash hair is in a different phase.

1. Anagenic phase: the growth phase
2. Catagenic phase: the transition phase
3. Telogenous phase: the resting phase

1. Anagenic Phase: Growth

During the active growth phase, also known as the anagenic phase, eyelashes undergo a period of intense growth that lasts about 30 to 45 days. What is remarkable is that only about 40% of upper lashes and 15% of lower lashes grow simultaneously. Each eyelash reaches a specific length and then stops growing.

2. Catagenic phase: transition

When eyelashes reach the catagen phase, the hair follicle shrinks. If an eyelash falls out during this phase, it will not grow back immediately. The follicle must complete the catagen phase before it moves on to the next phase. This transition phase lasts two to three weeks.

3. Telogen phase: rest

The final phase is the resting phase, also known as the telogen phase. For more than 100 days, the eyelash remains at rest, eventually falls out, after which a new growth cycle begins. It is reassuring to know that eyelashes do not fall out simultaneously. Since each eyelash is in its own growth cycle, it is normal for a few lashes to fall out each day. Generally, it takes four to eight weeks for an eyelash to be completely replaced. Thanks to the different phases and individual timing, it is impossible for all lashes to fall out at the same time.